
New Year's Resolutions

I really like lists. Which could be why I like New Year's (no wait, there are a lot of other, much better reasons), because everyone is supposed to make a big list of hopeful things. Really, we ought to make hopeful lists more often. I think it's probably good for us. Anyway, I've been thinking about some ideas for my list. I might add more to it later, but here's a start.

1. Think more of others and less about myself. Wouldn't it be miraculous if we were able to stop being so self-obsessed and pay attention to other peoples' needs? I would listen better, be more sensitive, and know better how to help people. Ironically, when I mentioned this thought to the people at my house on New Year's, I accidentally cut off what Dan was going to say. Well, we've got to start somewhere.

2. More books, less TV. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any kind of vendetta against TV, it's just that I really like reading books. They make me more aware, more creative, and more inspired. I also like watching TV/movies, but it doesn't make me feel the same way afterward.

3. Know when to be upset, and when not to. Getting upset when you shouldn't makes you oversensitive, and people feel like they have to tiptoe around you. Not getting upset when you should allows people to walk all over you. Finding the middle ground is hard. I want to do that.

"Anyone can become angry, that is easy... but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way...this is not easy." - Aristotle

4. Cook more often. Seriously, I worked in the Cascades Kitchen. I spent a summer learning how to make food well. I really enjoy making food. It's just one of those "get off your butt and do it" situations.

5. Go on some dates. For reals people, I need to start dating. Even my dad is telling me to.

6. Dress better. I realized not too long ago that 1.) I don't dress nicely. Way too many t-shirts and nasty pants, not enough collared shirts, and 2.) It's pretty easy to make a little effort and look a lot better. Plus, here's some bonus math: I'd like to meet a nice woman who is absolutely beautiful, and I am attracted to well-dressed women. It stands to reason that one such beautiful woman might be similarly attracted to a nicely dressed man. QED.

7. Play more music. I really like music, and I really like playing music too. But I'm freakishly slef-conscious about it. Strange, you would think, for me to be a musician and to be skittish about performing, but I am. So I want to get better at that.


  1. Bryce, I love that you love lists. I love that you made this list. And I love that you want to do all these things. I will ask you how you're doing with them sometime. :)

  2. This made me smile, since it is so you. Your instinct on dressing seems sound, by the way. Women who love clothes tend to love men who spend some time dressing themselves. This isn't to say that you have to fit the preppie category most of the guys are in here, or any other category that doesn't suit (pun!) you. I still generally prefer a somewhat rugged, PNW style in a man, but the clincher is that it shouldn't be sloppy. Intentionality goes a long way.


    P.S. It is not uncommon here to see an undergrad boy wearing a blue and white seersucker suit and pink bowtie to church. Barf. Casual clothes include yachting shoes and -- I'm not joking -- pants or shorts with little embroidered things all over them. I am SO NOT into Carolina boys!

    P.P.S. Sorry if this is TMI. I just discovered at around age 24 that I LOVE clothes.

  3. 1. I'm learning the same thing. And speaking as someone to whom you recently sat at the feet of and read the dictionary to, just to cheer me up, all the while talking and listening in all the right spots, you're doing quite well.
    3. Um, yes.
    4. Ditto.
    5. I'll go on a date with you. Though that somewhat defeats your purpose I think. ☺
    6. True, though like Katie, I'm a sucker for the Carrhardt thing.
    6. Please do. Then tell me when and where.

  4. Ha! It is Beth that loves Carrhardts. I HATE them! My version of rugged is more the wool, fleece, and gore-tex type.
