
Resolution Resolutions

Okay people, I want to write a post about my new resolutions, and in fact I need to for blogduel2011, but before I do that, I have to bring a little closure to the ones I made last year. We'll keep score and see how I did. So without further ado (because who likes further ado? NOBODY. Incidentally, this parenthetical note is completely made up of futher ado. Sick.), here are the Resolution Resolutions.

#1 Think more of others and less about myself. Well, that was completely un-quantifiable. I'd like to think I did okay, but I can't really measure how well I did, so I guess I'll just call it a TIE.

#2 More books, less TV. Check. I have now developed a potentially dependent relationship with my neighborhood library. Or more specifically, the holdshelf. I'm gonna be honest and say I'm not in love with the books generally contained within the walls of the Hillsdale Library, but the books it gets for me are great! Also, the clutch hitter this year was books on tape. Because my commute is about an hour a day. WIN!

#3 Know when to be upset, and when not to. I got upset a fair amount this year, but most of that was at myself, for being stupid. I also had some good, well-thought-out upset-gettings, but they were fewer and farther between. I think more notably, there were more times when I SHOULD have gotten upset that I didn't, about things like injustice, which are very present at my workplace. Some good progress, but I'd say mostly LOSE.

#4 Cook more often. Crap. The good news is that I've discovered that I don't really like cooking. And I'm pretty okay with it. Baking I'm fine with, but cooking? Nah. LOSE

#5 Go on some dates. Done. And for the details, you will have to ask. And no, you can't ask in the comments. WIN!

#6 Dress better. Utter Victory. I have mostly my family (Christmas and Birthday gifts) and friends (Much needed shopping help) to thank. Button up shirts are now being worn, and hoodies are...well a LITTLE less common. And I own a tie. *puke* WIN!

#7 Play more music. Ummmm....I've made some life changes that don't really lead me in the music direction anymore. And I've decided that playing music is more of a coping thing. However, I did make good use of that, and I played at work a little, and in church, so I'm gonna call it a TIE.

The score stands at 3-2-2. In soccer I would have 11 points, which would probably get me into the playoffs, or at least a wildcard seed. In contrast, if it were football I would probably not be in the playoffs, unless I was in the Seahawks' division. If this were baseball I would still be in May and would have 155 games left to play.

In conclusion, we'll do even better next Resolution Season! (Which started last week.)

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