
Topmost Marchy Moments

About a month ago I challenged Jessica to come up with a top things in March post for our blog war. About a week and a half ago, I remembered and decided to do it too. Then I got sick and had an intense week at work so it didn't happen. But all excuses aside, here is my version finally.

1. Every year around march there is a week of great sun and warm weather. I'm pretty sure it's sent by God to keep us alive up here in the northwest. Without that week, everyone would move, having given up hope of the sun returning. It happened this month, and it did exactly what it was supposed to. Now we just have to hang in there until May...

2. March Madness - the time of year when I, with no real knowledge of anything basketball related, create a fun bracket, mostly just because brackets are fun to watch. My two final teams were out by the second round....but brackets are fun! I'm pretty sure that at the Canby house, Erin (possibly the only person to know less about NCAA basketball than me) was the eventual winner. Which gives me hope for next year.

3. Speaking of sports, in March baseball's spring training begins. While I barely follow basketball now, it reminds me of my middle school/home school years when I religiously followed the Seattle Mariners via radio. Dave Niehaus's voice holds magical power over me. I gave up when Edgar Martinez retired and Jamie Moyer left. I'll come back when they again have a power hitter too slow to make it to third and a changeup pitcher who throws slower than the cars on I-5 during rush hour.

4. March is, with all of the gloomy weather, one of the few months where it is socially permissable to watch upwards of 4 movies a week.

5. While Easter was in April, most of Holy Week was in March. Holy Week is really mysterious and personal to me, and it also means I get to play the Holy Week songs from the Covenant Hymnbook, including the awesome "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded". You ought to read the text sometime.

6. Ping Pong is having a revival at John, Robert, and Paul's house. I am currently ranked #4 (sadly of 4), but I'm threatening Robert's #3 position.

7. I had a couple of miraculous interventions at work. One kid, who I had previously been playing Star Trek with (despite having almost no knowledge of the subject) was going crazy, being loud, making other kids mad and absolutely refusing to go to bed. After about 5 minutes of trying to talk him through it with no luck, I uttered the magic words "Captain Kirk, you're not acting like yourself. What's wrong?" To this he stood up straight, saluted, replied "I'm sorry Spock, I don't know what came over me." Then then turned off the light and went to bed without a sound. I didn't hear a peep from him for the rest of the night.

8. March is the perfect time for taking walks through Gabriel Park. It's warm enough to not have to wear a full coat at least. I can take a lap around the park in about 40 minutes, which is the perfect amount of time to pray, process, talk to strangers, wish I was better at tennis, and get the blood moving. Taking walks is one of those things that every time I do it, I wish I did it more often. Apparently my grandfather took a walk every day, and he was pretty great.

9. I've been working out with anyone and everyone I can. If you want to go on a run, I'll go with you. If you want to do abs, I'll do them with you. If you want to do Wii fit, I'll do that too. It's strange to me that only after 6 years of cross country and 13 years of soccer have I become aware of the post-workout endorphin rush.

10. March is a month of buckling down and powering through. I love that I finally have some semblance of a routine in my life, and although I hate it too, it's nice to have something under a little control. Come May I'm sure I'll be re-evaluating everything again. That's the season that May brings for me, but for now...I'm going steady.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Thank God February has one too.
    2. I know less than Erin. But I agree that brackets are great. Could we make a cousin bracket for no reason?
    3. I love that about you.
    4. Agreed.
    5. Have read it, have absorbed it, have taught it to a choir and hope never to forget it. SUCH a phenomenal song. We should talk about Holy Week sometime. I want to hear any thoughts you are willing to share because my journey through it is still in the embryonic stage.
    6. I believe in you.
    7. I love God! And way to use Vulcan mind control. Or whatever that was. :-)
    8. I love taking walks with you. I remember a particularly vivid one the night Daniel and Sarah got married. Five years ago.
    9. I've heard of that endorphin thing.... is it all it's cracked up to be?
    10. Here's to love/hate relationships with routine!
    Wanna come visit some day soon? I have an epilogue to that story I was telling you and there are some great walks around my neck of the woods. And I make decent coffee (or chai or hot chocolate or cider or smoothies or anything else you can produce from a coffee stand) if you're interested.
