
More about the title

There already was a blog called "Practicing Resurrection", hence my addition of the dash in the URL. However, I decided to go with it anyway, for several reasons:

1. It looks like Brett, who does the other one hasn't updated in a while. So it's not like I'll be competing. We'll have to keep an eye on him though.

2. "Practice resurrection." It's a pretty amazing concept. Doesn't the phrase conjure up some intangible strength? Some mystery? How could something so supernatural as resurrection be practiced? And yet it implies that we have something that powerful at our disposal, and should we choose, we can practice it. Resurrection: to bring back to life. Isn't that what we all want? To be brought to life? Perhaps to be fulfilled? And Practice: to put in the hours in order to become better. It only seems fair that resurrection would require some work. Now if only we could figure out how to go about practicing resurrection...perhaps that is the purpose of this blog...

3. I need practice spelling "resurrection". It's one of those words, along with "chief" and "calendar" and "commitment" that I can never spell. And for those of you keeping track at home, I only had to respell "commitment" as I typed this.

4. Thus, I've made some sort of commitment to this blog, albeit small. I won't be putting posting dates in my calendar or anything, but I'll try to be somewhat regular. And I hope it will be always to some degree, if not chiefly, concerned with the idea of "Practicing Resurrection".


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