
An Open Letter to Jessica

Dear Blogger of Cheese Luminous, AKA Jessica,

As your blogatory antithesis, I hereby challenge you to a blog duel. A battle of cultural relevance, a war of independent thought, a minor skirmish of spelling, syntax, and proper use of a semi-colon.

Points will be awarded for the following, pending your approval:
1. Jokes about hipsters
2. Vague literary references (for you)
3. Obscure musical references (for me)
4. Criticisms/Praises of Portland
5. Rants about being unemployed
6. Rants about being employed
7. Raw and introspective thoughts.
8. Wonderings, musings, observations, etc.
9. Funny stories!
10. Number of latin idioms used.
11. Non sequiturs
12. Comments by people other than Lisa. (Sorry, we already know you love us.)

The winner will be decided subjectively, inevitably ending with both of us declaring utter victory, and attempting to debase and slander the other.

Sound like fun? I think so.


  1. ooooh, bryce, you've already got one point for following #10 with #11.

  2. You've got one enthusiast already. Where do I find Jessica's blog?

  3. Dear Bryce,

    I accept these conditions.

    You may find my response later today on my own blog.


    -The Cheese

  4. i fiercely resent that my comments will not be counted. since i comment on both sites, i know they will cancel one another out, but i don't like being disqualified, brannis! you are a mean, cold man.

  5. Bryce, I like your blog. And I am now subscribed to it, so as to give you and Jessica an equal shot at my comments. Good luck!

  6. Brilliant use of semi-colon link.
